What does Wellness Mean to you?

What does Wellness Mean to you?

I don’t make resolutions anymore.

I never keep them, then I quit, then it’s a shame spiral for not being strong willed enough, rinse & repeat year after year. No more. As I try to lead a healthier lifestyle overall, I look to ways that I can incorporated more wellness into my day to day life every day of the year- not just in those first few weeks in January.

Now that it is the new year, you will be bombarded with weight loss ads for supplements, gym membership offers, ads for diet pills, shakes, and so on. But beyond trying to “look your best”, what about feeling your best?

Sure, some of us want to lose extra pounds to feel or be healthier, and if exercising is not already part of your life, it should be, but what else is there beyond the physical aspects that lead us to being more well.

I looked around and asked some people, what does wellness mean to you.

"Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits daily to achieve optimal health. Think of wellness as a bowl of mixed ingredients to make a delicious meal. These ingredients include your social life, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and mindfulness. All of these ingredients impact your health in some way."

“Wellness is self love and self care as a whole; body, mind and spirit. And making choices that leads you to feel your best!”

"The World Health Organization defines wellness as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not just the absence of disease. The concept of wellness isn’t something new. In fact, the idea of wellness stretches back to ancient Chinese, Greek and Roman cultures, which all emphasized holistic approaches to achieving health, well-being, and harmony within one’s life."

"The most important component of wellness is understanding your own self, your own needs, physical, mental, spiritual and even sexual. I read a quote somewhere that the most unfortunate are not those who are born with a disease, they are those who are born healthy, yet don’t value their health."

"I would define wellness as a state of mind and encompasses physical, mental and spiritual well-being."


Wellness trends are always fun to dive into because they can give you a fresh perspective on what is happening in the world, however wellness is so much more than the newest yoga trend or face mask, its about being whole in your relationships, having balance between your work and your life, Sleeping well, eating in a way that fuels and nourishes you and engaging in the world around you in a way that brings you joy.


  • Don’t exercise in a stinky gym with loud pumping music if that stresses you out. Go on a nature walk instead. Studies show walking is extremely beneficial to your health. Here's another source about why walking is great for your health. 

  • Don’t do shots at the bar if you know you get hangovers from hell. Eat that pizza/burger/dessert, but don’t let it derail you all weekend. Making choices that you know wont make you feel like crap is one way to incorporate wellness into your life.

  • Instead of pushing yourself with all your different commitments, take some time just for you. If its in your budget, visit a day spa or spend the night away, or stay at home with your favorite book, a hot bath and a glass of wine and tune out the noise. Make time to cuddle your pet and spend quality time with them. Do you know that studies show that spending time with your pet can lower cortisol levels as well as many other wellness related lifestyle benefits.

  • Sleep has been shown to be a major contributor to being well, or unwell. You can read more here about the effects but seriously, try to get optimum sleep- it is incredibly vital. Weighted blankets, humidifiers and noise machines can help you achieve better sleep- just see what works for you.

  • Another often overlooked part of wellness is the investment into your friendships. Nurture the relationships that are very special to you- take the time to have one on one time with those people. Friends will fill your cup in a way that others can’t but we are all busy- so prioritize them when you can.

If this all seems like a lot, just remember that this all does not need to be accomplished by January 31st! In fact, the word accomplished isn’t even valid in this case. Take small steps to figure out what brings you a sense of peace, joy and wellbeing and make sure you prioritize those things in your life. Over time, this will just become part of who you are and not a “focus or resolution”.

I hope your 2023 is filled with love, happiness and health.


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Happy Holidays!