Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays- How to stay Happy, Hydrated & Sane!

Whether you celebrate, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa  OR the fact that you get extra time off work, the holidays can be a stressful time. 

Parties to go to, money being spent on gifts, potential travel issues and of course, time with loved ones can all pile on until you feel ready to sit under the covers muttering Bah Humbug to anyone who comes near.

I can't help you with most of those things, however, here are some things to remember and keep in mind:

1: Stay Hydrated

Cold winter air, indoor heating & excessive alcohol intake all take its toll. Make sure you are drinking enough water- it wont save you from your overbearing Aunt, but at least your skin and brain will thank you!

2: Check your Expectations

I am personally guilty of overcommitting and saying yes to every invite and every extra task and guess what, I end up exhausted and resentful (mostly at myself). You should instead check in with yourself and ask "Who is this serving?" "Am I doing this for my partner, my family, my coworker?" If it causing you undue stress, just politely decline OR come up with an alternative. Can't fathom making a bunch of Christmas cookies for the cookie swap, opt to bring a cocktail or wine instead! The point is, when you over commit, you often end up regretful that you can't enjoy the holidays because you are too busy- but in the end, you do have the control. Seize it!

3: Don't Spend it with Toxic People

This one seems like a no brainer, but in fact, due to traditions, family pressure and expectations, we often find ourselves with family we can't stand or people that we otherwise wouldn't want to be around. If your family is combative, find a group of friends to spend it with, or have a movie marathon with your partner while you eat festive popcorn and eggnog on the couch. I'm not suggesting you ditch your whole family, but if you know your toxic uncle is going to be there, let the rest of the family know you will be dropping by earlier for a catch up but plan to leave before he arrives. Set boundaries now and each year it will get easier.

4: Buy Extra

Okay, I know money is an issue around the holidays, however I propose buying a few extra small gifts, a nice candle, an extra bottle of champagne or two and having it ready when an unexpected friend comes over with a gift or your coworker gives you something and you didn't plan to reciprocate. Now instead of running around trying to find a gift, you have a small stash ready. I cannot tell you how many times this has saved me, not just the holiday season, but year round.

5: Don't Aim for Perfection

Instagram is not reality. Your friend with the perfect tree and perfectly decorated porch probably buys her cookies from the store and is yelling at her family because she is so stressed! Just kidding, but seriously, stop trying to make things perfect. The tree is beautiful because you took the time to decorate it with your kids, the food is wonderful because the host is not a frazzled mess, the gift is thoughtful and wonderful even though the gift wrapping looks like a 5 year old did it! No one cares- and if they do, they shouldn't be factoring in your life. There, I said it.

6: Don't Over Indulge.

Um, as the 10th plate of cookies in the breakroom is currently calling my name, I still suggest moderation. Don't go too heavy on the booze, have water between each drink so you don't end up with the holiday hangover from hell. Eat a little something before you hit that party that is filled with ultra rich food and nary a vegetable in sight. Eat only the sweets you really love! Don't just eat the fudge because it is there, save yourself for those delicious brownies that you know your client will be bringing by. Moderation is not easy during this time of year, and you should let go and enjoy yourself, just scale back a tiny bit if possible so you don't wake up with too many regrets!

7: Enjoy the Little Things

Sit back and watch your niece open her presents with such unbridled enthusiasm and take it all in. Take time to connect with your spouse or partner about how they are feeling and how their year has been. Take a moment to catch up with your parents over a hot cup of tea or cocoa and reflect on holidays past. This time is fleeting and the real priorities are to enjoy it with the people you love.


I hope you all enjoy this holiday season and that your 2023 is filled with love, health and prosperity!



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