From Pimples to Perfection!

From Pimples to Perfection

From big breakouts to pesky one-off pimples, I have some excellent tools in my arsenal that I want to share!

The skincare and acne industry is littered with treatment creams, serums and medications that can be effective, but today I will focus on 3 tools you can have at your disposal to help keep pimples away that are non-invasive and work on almost all skin types.

 Back in 2017, my incredible esthetician was performing my facial and I was lamenting to her the constant congestion on my chin. I seemed to suffer constantly from pesky little white heads and the occasional whopper pimple in this area. I was doing clay masks, peels, and scrubs just to keep this area β€œclear”. Well, did I have a lot to learn! I thought my skin was oily, because of the congestion, but in reality, my skin was actually fairly dry. By drying out my skin with these harsh products, I was causing more pimples. When I tried to extract them, the result was red inflammed skin with leftover scars. As my esthetician said- it’s like trying to get blood from a stone. The skin is so tight and dry that the extractions don’t want to come out, plus, your skin is overproducing oil because you keep drying it out! 

Well, this little revelation started me on my skin healing journey which I will detail in a future post, but she did turn me on to my first favorite tool.

 Tool # 1- High Frequency Skin Therapy Wand.

With a small warning, my esthetician let me know I may feel some tingling as she placed a piece of gauze on my face and rubbed this glass wand thing on my skin. I did indeed feel some tingling and when I inquired as to what she was doing, she showed me the wand. She told me they were available online and were a great tool to have at home to treat breakouts.

 Well, I promptly went home and bought one and I will never be without one!

 A high frequency skin therapy wand generates electrical currents at high frequencies (usually between 100,000 to 250,000 Hertz). In some high-frequency devices, the glass electrode at the end of the wand contains a noble gas like neon. The ionized gas generates a high-frequency electrical current and when the wand is moved over the skin's surface and the electrical current interacts with the underlying tissues, it gives us several skin benefits.

 The major one when it comes to pimples is its pore cleansing properties. The electrical current creates an oxygenating and purifying effect, helping to clear out pores and reduce congestion. With that comes increased blood circulation. The electrical current stimulates blood flow, which improves oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the skin cells, aiding in skin rejuvenation. The next benefit is that it has anti-bacterial properties. The electrical current and the creation of ozone (a form of oxygen) during the treatment has antimicrobial effects, helping to reduce bacteria on the skin's surface. Which if you are a pimple, makes you kind of obsolete!

 Some other skin care benefits from a high frequency skin therapy wand are that it also improves product penetration and helps keep skin tighter.  High-frequency treatments enhance the absorption of skincare products applied before or after the treatment, making them more effective and they can improve collagen and elastin production, leading to firmer and more youthful-looking skin. Kind of a win-win.

I use this tool two ways. If I feel that bruised feeling on my skin, that feeling when you know a pimple maybe making its way to the surface, I zap it. I do this morning and night until the bruised feeling is gone. To this day I have not had a pimple develop if I use this wand the moment I feel one coming on. My husband also uses it and loves it!

The second way I use it is for overall skin stimulation. Increasing blood flow to your skin is always beneficial so using this weekly over your whole face and neck is a great way to keep your skin in tip top condition.

It is essential to note that while the high-frequency skin therapy wands are generally considered safe, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or sensitive skin. If you have any concerns, please ask your doctor or skin professional if they feel it is right for you.

 Tool Number 2: Light Therapy Mask

 Light therapy is a fascinating treatment, not just for acne, but for all sorts of skin issues. The reason this is listed as a top tool for me, is that it really helps with both the prevention of pimples and acne, and then healing them faster if you happen to suffer from breakouts.

In the 1980s and 1990s, NASA conducted studies on the effects of light on plant growth and tissue healing. They found that certain wavelengths of light, particularly in the red and near-infrared spectrum, helped promote tissue repair and wound healing. Building on the NASA research, scientists and medical professionals started exploring the potential therapeutic benefits of red-light therapy for human health. Clinical studies demonstrated its effectiveness in wound healing, pain relief, and inflammation reduction.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, clinical studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of blue light therapy for acne treatment. These studies provided evidence supporting the use of blue light therapy as a beneficial treatment option for mild to moderate inflammatory acne.

With the great technological advancements over the last few years, light therapy is now accessible to everyone. It is non-invasive and painless and can be done in the comfort of your home or at a skincare clinic.

 They work by emitting different wavelengths of light which penetrate different layers of skin. Blue light, typically in the range of 415 to 450 nanometers, is often used to target acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). When the blue light comes into contact with the skin, it penetrates the sebaceous glands and produces singlet oxygen, which can kill the bacteria. Reducing the number of P. acnes bacteria can help decrease inflammation and breakouts.

Red light, usually in the range of 620 to 700 nanometers, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to promote wound healing. It can help reduce inflammation associated with acne and pimples, which may lead to a calmer and less irritated complexion.

 I personally bought myself one of the plug-in masks which I love. I haven’t used the hands free one but that may be my next splurge! There are also hand held wands that have hit the market. Whichever one you get, make sure you purchase one with multiple light frequencies as the different colors do different things. My model has green, yellow, red, white and blue. I use the purple setting which is half blue and red light which helps keep pimples away and helps combat aging and wrinkles.

LED light therapy masks are beneficial for most individuals with mild to moderate acne, but may not be sufficient as the sole treatment for severe acne. If you have persistent or severe acne concerns, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional.

As with any skincare treatment, individual results may vary, so be patient and consistent with your routine to see the best outcomes.

 Tool #3 Pimple Patches!

 Last but not least is not really a physical tool, but I consider it part of my arsenal and felt it deserved a place on my list.

If a pesky pimple makes its way to the surface, I try to resist all urges to pop, and instead slap one of these babies on. I find that the severity and duration of the zit are much milder and that awful redness and scarring doesn’t happen. These are a medicine cabinet essential for me, kind of like an emergency insurance agaist the dreaded pimple which tends to pop up right before a big event!

 If you are unfamiliar, pimple patches are small adhesive bandages designed specifically for the treatment of acne and pimples. They work in a unique way to help expedite the healing of blemishes and protect the affected area from external contaminants. They are popular because they are non-invasive and discreet.

Pimple patches are made of hydrocolloid material, a type of dressing that is commonly used for wound healing. Hydrocolloid dressings are moisture-absorbing and create a moist environment around the wound, which promotes faster healing.

When you apply a pimple patch to a pimple it adheres to the skin's surface, creating a protective barrier. The material absorbs excess fluid and oil from the pimple, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

It also acts as a physical barrier between the pimple and external elements, such as dirt, bacteria, and touching fingers. This protection helps prevent further infection and irritation, allowing the pimple to heal more effectively.

 The best part is that pimple patches are particularly effective for pimples that have come to a head or are in the process of draining. The patches help draw out the pus and fluid from the pimple, which accelerates the healing process and makes the pimple less noticeable.

The best tools for treating Pimples!

 So those are the three tools that I really recommend for those that suffer from the occasional pimple, or more consistent acne. These three non-invasive and easy to use products don’t irritate the skin and offer additional benefits on top of the pimple stopping ones!




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