Are you Dry Brushing yet?


Every morning you get up and you brush your teeth and you brush your hair and these things make you feel fresh, clean and ready to take on the day. A lesser known “brushing” that you should be adding into your daily routine is dry brushing. 

Forms of dry brushing have been around since ancient Greece and is popular in many cultures throughout the world including Japan & India where it is part of an Ayurvedic massage ritual.   


Why should you incorporate “dry brushing” into your wellness practice? Well... for one, it feels amazing! Secondly it has great health benefits- which we will get into in a minute. The tool you need is simple- and it’s exactly what it sounds like—the process of brushing the skin with a firm bristled brush.  



#1 Exfoliation 

The natural brush bristles that you sweep over your skin exfoliate it gently by removing dead skin cells which can cause flakes and dryness. A single dry brush session improves the appearance by buffing and smoothing your skin. Who doesn’t want that? I often exfoliate with my favorite body scrub in the shower, but Dry Brushing has a slightly different effect which is why we move on to…  

 #2 Lymphatic Drainage 

According to doctors,  the lymphatic system plays a key role in the body’s immune defenses. Lymphatic fluid flows through lymph vessels, which connect to your lymph nodes. Like blood in the circulatory system, lymphatic fluid is always moving and we want to keep it flowing. 

Because many lymph vessels are situated beneath the skin, dry brushing works similar to massage therapy by stimulating lymph flow and drainage. There is a technique on how to get the best benefits of this to encourage the correct flow of your brushing. A reported-on benefit is that the bristles also clean skin pores, opening detox pathways for the body to release toxins through your sweat.  

 #3 Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite 

A beautiful benefit of dry brushing is that it increases the circulation in our skin. One of the most sought-after benefits of dry brushing is a reduction in the appearance of cellulite due to the increased circulation and flushing of toxins which is stored in fat tissue.  But don’t expect that dry brushing will eliminate this- almost all women have it and it’s nothing to be self-conscious about- but if you are interested in improving the look of your skin you should consider this an added benefit to dry brushing. 

 #4 It Feels Really Good 

The process of dry brushing feels so good! It wakes my skin up and makes me feel energized and invigorated. It adds a little extra pep in my step which is why I try to do it regularly. The firm bristles being brushed over your skin perk you up and feels like a mini massage. Your skin feels extra clean and refreshed which is never a bad thing. 


There is a simple technique to getting the most out of your dry brushing routine. Keep in mind, I think it takes me less than a minute to dry brush in the morning, so it’s not like this is a big-time consuming effort. It can be practiced daily, preferably in the morning and prior to showering however a weekly or bi-weekly session will still yield great results.  

First, get yourself a good dry body brush. They are fairly accessible online and in stores. I personally use the hand held one that fits in my palm, however some people like a long-handled brush.

There are a range of price points- mine is around $10 but if you want to be fancy, feel free to splurge. 

 I like the smaller one because I feel like I have better control, but find one that you think will work best for you!  Mine has little rubber nubs for a more massaging effect as well which I recommend. For those of you with more sensitive skin, start with a gentler bristle and work your way up to a firmer one if you like. 

Let’s get started 

  • Start at your feet and work your way up. Brush the soles of your feet first and then move up the legs in long firm strokes. It is beneficial to go over each area with 2-3 strokes. 

  • The key is to always brush in the direction of your heart encouraging lymph flow toward the main ducts of the lymphatic system. 

  • Continue moving up to the tummy area where you will brush more in a circular movement and your chest- which can feel a bit awkward at first but press on. If you have a long-handled brush, work your back as well.  

  • Finish with your arms, starting with your palms and working up towards the armpits. I put my arms out like a “T” and brush towards my heart. I think brushing under my arms has been beneficial to clean out some of the build up from my deodorant. 

Some areas are going to be sensitive, so go slow and light in these areas. Your skin is a delicate organ so be careful around and areas that may have a cut or abrasion so you don’t aggravate it. Your skin will be a bit pink after, which is to be expected but if you are unsure about any redness or pain, please stop. 

 Once you are done dry brushing, take a shower or bath to wash off those dead skin cells and make sure to follow up with your favorite body moisturizer or oil! Some of my favorites are below


Okay- let me know in the comments if you have tried dry brushing and if you like the results!  -Eva

Disclosure: My blog is supported by people who love health & beauty just like you. I only recommend products that I would use or that I love. All opinions expressed here are my own. I sometimes earn a small affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you, when you click through the affiliate link and purchase something. 


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