The Best Winter Skin Care Tips for Preventing Dry Skin

The Best Winter Skin care Tips for preventing dry skin

Whether you live in California or the Mid-West, we are all dealing with dry winter skin. Amazingly, many of us associate dry skin with the hot summer sun, and that is true too, but when the temperature drops and the wind picks up, dry skin makes its comeback.  

It’s not just the external weather that contributes either, the use of heaters to keep us warm inside is incredible drying. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to be dealing with is dry flaky skin on top of everything else I have to do this season.  So, here are some of the best ways to keep dry skin at bay and some of my favorite products to help you do that! 

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Skin Barrier 

Your skin is an essential barrier that needs moisture and hydration to function properly and look its best. Harsh winter winds, chilly temperatures, and drying air can draw important moisture from your skin leaving it cracked and dull. Creating a skincare routine that promotes skin hydration and moisture can help you to maintain a healthy glow throughout this harsh season.  

Some parts of the body are more susceptible to experiencing the effects of harsh winter air such as the face, hands, elbows, and feet. It is very important to focus additional energy on hydrating these portions of the body during the winter season. Aside from the cold temperatures and harsh outside air, the use of portable heaters indoors can also dry out the skin. Dry skin impacts your self-confidence and can cause irritation and pain as the skin can crack and become itchy or inflamed. Therefore, developing a winter skin routine that emphasizes moisture and hydration is key to dry skin prevention.  

Top Tips for Preventing Dry Skin During the Winter Season  

Exfoliate Your Skin  

Exfoliating your skin is an extremely important component of preventing dry skin during winter. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells through either physical or chemical exfoliation tactics. This practice can be used on all parts of the body including the face, hands, and feet. It is important to note that physical and chemical exfoliation should not be utilized every day and gentle practices are important to not irritate the skin.  Some body techniques include dry brushing and in shower body scrubs. My favorite scrub is this one from Sol de Janeiro- It has fine crystals that really get the job done and nourishing oils that hydrate as I am exfoliating. Dry brushing is something we will be talking about in the next few weeks but if you want to get a head start, purchase a brush now. It is an invigorating part of any self-care routine and one that helps get rid of dead skin on your body. 

For the face and neck, I prefer chemical exfoliation. That sounds extreme, but it is the use of AHA’s or BHA’s that break down the dead skin and keep your face youthful and glowing. I highly recommend you do your research and look into what type is best for you and of course, please patch test before putting anything on your face.  I tend to rotate my BHA’s & AHA’s using a Lactic Acid once a week and a Salicylic Acid once or twice a week. For more powerful exfoliation I use this Glycolic Acid- but sparingly. This acid is also EXCELLENT for the soles of your feet, your elbows, bikini line, legs & underarms. Please be aware that if you are pregnant or nursing, the use of exfoliating acids is not advised. If acids don’t appeal to you, I highly suggest an enzyme based exfoliant for your face. This one is my favorite. It’s a bit pricy but you use such a small amount that it lasts me at least two years. Another popular one is this one from Dermalogica.  For your face, I would recommend avoiding any harsh scrubs or things with particles – this will damage your skin barrier and cause more problems than it fixes. I also advise against those cleansing brushes which again can be very abrasive and actually damage your delicate skin.

Exfoliation is so important!

Drink Ample Amounts of Water  

Maintaining a healthy glow requires the consumption of plenty of water. Water is extremely important in promoting hydrated and healthy skin. During the colder months, many people feel less inclined to drink water and tend instead toward warmer beverages. However, it is important to try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to maintain a healthy and moisturized skin appearance. Warm water with lemon or unsweetened herbal teas are a fantastic way to get water in during the colder months! 

Use Overnight Moisturizing Masks  

To hydrate the face, the implementation of moisturizing face creams and overnight masks can help to add essential moisture back to the skin. During the winter season, incorporating an extremely hydrating cream or mask into your nightly skincare routine can help prevent facial dryness and irritation. I have a summer and a winter night cream. The winter one is thicker and just more moisturizing overall. Here are some great picks for a hydrating night cream.  

Always Carry a Hand Cream  

During winter, your hands can be one of the first things to show signs of dryness and irritation due to the cold temperatures and dry air. It is helpful to carry a moisturizing hand cream throughout your day to add important hydration back to your hands. I also have a moisturizing foot and hand cream by my bed so every night before bed I lather that one to keep my feet and hands extra hydrated. 

Use A Moisturizing Serum and Use Natural Oils  

Incorporating a moisturizing serum or natural oil into your skincare routine can also help to minimize the impacts of the dry winter air. Moisturizing serums and oils are often best applied to damp skin to lock in that additional moisture. Adding these into your daily winter skincare routine can help maintain healthy glowing skin. Hyaluronic acid (not an exfoliating acid- (see more here) is a perfect thing to put on under any moisturizer you may be wearing. A face oil such as this one or this one give your skin some glow, and most importantly moisture.

 Don’t Forget Your Lips 

As part of you morning and night routine, slather on a lip mask like this one from laniege. Keep a moisturizing lip balm in your purse or at your desk so you can keep them lush and plump. Cracked chapped lips are painful and unsightly and one of the first things exposed to harsh winter air. Keep them protected and thank me later! 

Keeping Dry Skin at Bay during the winter months is so important and you will see the benefits if you follow these tips. If you have any Winter Skin Hacks, please leave a message in the comments or message us on Instagram! 


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